In-depth Part of Design

Olawale Damilola
5 min readJan 31, 2022

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs

It is believed that when the foundation of a thing is bad, everything built on it stands the chance of failure. Likewise, when the use of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable.

Nowadays, we find people jumping on a thing or trend because of the success of some selected few in it. The survival hint of human automatically clicks to go for it, but very few become successful in it while many become very frustrated. What distinguishes the few from many is first; the understanding they carry and then the tenacity they put in to be the best.

In this write-up, we will be dealing with the understanding of design; and that knowledge will basically take you far and guide you, protect you, unleash you into another realm of design beyond what you may already know.

Without going too far, Design simply put, is a solution. Whether you are into graphics design, 3D graphics, motions, calligraphy, printing, User interface design, user experience, fashion designer, or others not mentioned here, just have it at the back of your mind that you are to provide a solution to a problem. So you need to ask yourself: What exactly is the problem I am solving? The moment you can’t define the problem you are solving, then it becomes an art. Although some kind of art still solve problems but they can easily pass for not exactly solving a problem, they could be just an expression which is absolutely beautiful. So, jumping on design just on the basis of doing something or for survival means(which is fine by the way), will not take you far and you may tend to get stuck or weary at some point.

You see, realizing that you are solving a problem that has to be done acceptably and beautifully(aesthetics) will unlock the hidden block of creativity and powerful thinking in you. Passion can only take you a bit far. However, when the purpose of why you are doing a thing and why you find interest in it is known, you do not only go far but go far distinctively.

Sometimes you see some poorly designed stuff being used by a large number of people and you wonder why? It’s simply because it is solving a problem and that is also why it can stand the test of time. Something beautifully done will only attract many but it won’t keep them glued to it because it’s not solving their problem; that is why you see people going occasionally to art exhibitions. They don’t stay there forever, rather, they may buy and keep the work of art at home and once in a while, stare at it(not every time).

The thing is, people tend to continually make use of things when it is solving their problems. They don’t really care about much, as long as it’s solving their need, they are absolutely good to go.

I was once in a meeting with the CEO of a company and he said, I learnt to always put the accessibility of users (people) first before doing anything from you and that made me smile. It simply begs these questions: What I am presently doing, does it solve their problems? Secondly, does it make things easy or harder for them? This leads us to another understanding that “A good design makes things easier”.

Many a time, people call a poorly crafted product a bad design because it doesn’t make things easier for them, even though it may be solving a problem indirectly. You need to always know that whatever you are designing needs to be easy for people to use and that helps your brain to find a solution. Remember this world is hard already and you don’t want to add to people’s problems; you don’t want to tread that path because they will definitely call you out.

That is why for every designer, it is advisable for you to have a bit of interest in research. It helps you discover problems and discover solutions as well; so, you can inculcate it into whatever you designing.

Let’s use “Logo Design” as an example here. Designing a logo back then was a complicated thing. You see people trying to design a logo in such a way that it automatically tells you what the brand stands for but in that process, it gets complicated up to the point that the logo becomes unidentified in the long run. However, as time went by, we began to see the rebranding of the logo in such a way that it becomes easier to see, use, and memorable and only those that were simple withstood the test of time.

From this point of view, design is not art but Art can be a design. Design is first about solving a problem, then making things easier, and then it is also being done beautifully. For example, most often than not, what first attracts a man to a lady is beauty, so also is design. How beautifully and neatly done your design is attract clients/people and how well you solve their problem is what makes them stay. So you can never take that part of aesthetics away.

With all these in mind, I believe you have just created a solid foundation for your practice of design in any field to be successfully built on. Furthermore, with these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that indeed, “design is solving a problem in a beautiful way”.

Thank you for your time.

Cheers to solving the problems of the world, you are really doing a great job.



Olawale Damilola

All about how it works and how people feel towards themselves, a product, system or services been offered to them through my writing and designs.